Welcome to py-directus
Under development
py-directus is a Python wrapper for asynchronous interaction with the Directus headless CMS API. It provides a convenient and easy-to-use interface for performing CRUD operations, querying data, and managing resources in Directus.
- Asynchronous
- Login and authentication handling
- Reading and writing data from Directus collections
- Filtering, sorting, and searching data
- Aggregating data using aggregation operators
- Creating, updating, and deleting items in Directus collections
- Handling multiple users in the same session
Pydantic: This library leverages Pydantic for data validation and parsing. Pydantic is a powerful tool in Python for ensuring data integrity and handling data validation with ease.
HTTPX: The library utilizes HTTPX, a fully featured HTTP client for Python 3, which provides sync and async APIs, and support for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.
You can install the library directly from pypi using pip:
$ pip install py-directus
FastAPI support requires the installation of additional dependencies. You can install them along others like so:
$ pip install py-directus[FastAPI]
Let's assume that after installing the library you would like to use it in your project. For example: you want to retrieve a user record from your Directus backend.
First, you would need to import the Directus
client class like so:
from py_directus import Directus
Login to the backend using the appropriate credentials:
directus = await Directus("https://example.com", email="user@example.com", password="secret")
# OR
directus = await Directus("https://example.com", token="static_token")
In case you were successfully identified by the system, then you can compose your request and retrieve the needed user record:
response = await directus.collection("directus_users").filter(first_name="John").read()
user_item = response.item
# OR
user_item = (await directus.collection("directus_users").filter(first_name="John").read()).item
Notice that we gave the collection name as a string. This means that the end result will be formated as a regular dictionary.
This library supports Pydantic
models and provides you with basic models for each Directus
from py_directus import DirectusUser
user_item = (await directus.collection(DirectusUser).filter(first_name="John").read()).item
In this case you will get your data as Pydantic
model instances.
Now you have a dictionary containing all the information of the found record.
Logout/Close Connection
After you have done everything you would like with the retrieved data you will have to log out of the Directus system and close the connection to free up resources:
# Logout
await directus.logout()
# Manually close connection
await directus.close_connection()
Full script
import asyncio
from py_directus import DirectusUser, Directus
async def main():
directus = await Directus("https://example.com", token="static_token")
user_item = (await directus.collection(DirectusUser).filter(first_name="John").read()).item
print(f"Full Name: {user_item.last_name} {user_item.first_name}")
# Logout
await directus.logout()
# Manually close connection
await directus.close_connection()
if __name__ == "__main__":